Student Life


Rules of Deportment

Please recognize that membership in WPS requires full compliance with all school rules and regulations published or announced. Further, students must pledge to complete all assignments to the best of their ability, to be faithful and prompt in attendance, and to commit to developing spiritual and social maturity. In addition, each student must affirm the dignity of his/her teachersandcolleaguesbyexhibitingfairnessandrespectinall interactions. Bullying, intimidation, rudeness, hateful or lewd speech – whether online or in person -- is not tolerated.

USE OF ILLICIT SUBSTANCES: In accordance with our faith, WPS requires total abstinence from tobacco, alcohol, illicit drugs, and other harmful substances, both in and out of school. In addition, the abuse of prescription drugs is strictly prohibited.

COMPUTER USE: Access to school computers and Internet services is a privilege which requires full cooperation of each student, parent or guardian, and staff member.
Improper use of computer resources (e.g., viewing or downloading inappropriate material, engaging in hateful or disrespectful speech, etc.) constitutes grounds for discipline.

CARE OF NON-CONSUMABLE TEXTBOOKS AND OTHER SUPPLIES: Students are required to take care of textbooks and other materials borrowed from the school. Items borrowed from the school (textbooks, iPads, calculators, rulers, maps, protractors, etc.) should be returned in usable and presentable condition. Students should not write in, or otherwise deface, any book owned by the school, and should take pains to ensure that property borrowed from the school is not lost or damaged. Students will be charged the full cost of replacing any school item that is lost or returned in unusable condition.

USE OF CELL PHONE AND OTHER ELECTRONICS: Students may not place or receive phone calls via cell phone during school hours. All cell phones must be set in the “OFF” mode before classes begin and may only be turned on again once classes have ended for the day. In addition, no recreational electronic device (for example, iPod, mp3 player, electronic game, tablet, etc.) should be brought to school. If a student is found using any of the above-listed, or similar, items during school hours, the device will be confiscated and held by the principal until personally claimed by a parent or guardian.

Failure to comply with these, or other, guidelines may result in suspension or expulsion.


School Policy on Sexual Harassment

WPS is committed to providing a school environment free from sexual harassment of students and staff. Incidents of harassment should be reported in accordance with the procedures listed herein so that school authorities may take appropriate action.

Students who sexually harass others are subject to discipline that may include expulsion.

  • Students and personnel who have experienced sexual harassment should report the incident to the school authorities as soon as possible. If the incident occurred between students, the student may report it to anyclassroomteacherortothe principal.

  • If a student is sexually harassed by an adult, the student should report the incident directly to the principal or to another responsible adult. Immediate action should be taken according to the guidelines of the Seventh-day Adventist Church( statements/guidelines/article/go/0/sexual-harassment/).

  • Fighting threatening or bullying another student and or through social media are strictly prohibited.


Dress Code

WPS requires that all students wear the school uniform each day. Specific questions regarding the uniform policy and appropriate school attire may be addressed to the principal.

For non-gym days, the uniform consists of:

  • GIRLS: uniform skirt or jumper, blue dress shirt, necktie, uniform sweater or blazer, navy socks, black shoes.

  • BOYS: uniform slacks, blue dress shirt, necktie, uniform sweater or blazer, navy socks, black shoes.

    For gym days, the uniform consists of:

• GIRLS & BOYS: uniform T-shirt, sweatpants, white socks, sneakers (gray, white, black, or uniform blue only for sneakers. (Pastels, neon, or other colors are not acceptable). Students not wearing the correct gymuniformwillnotbeableto participateinphysicaleducation classesforthatday andwilllosepointsfor nonparticipation.

Jewelry – e.g., rings, earrings, bracelets, chains, nose rings, necklaces, and ankle bracelets, nail polish or fake nails may not be worn to school. Students will be asked to remove such items, and the items will be held by the principal until claimed by a parent or guardian. Body piercings and tattoos are prohibited.

No extreme hairstyles are permitted. Clothing must be clean, tidy, and in good repair always.





Jupiter Ed: Parents you can follow your child progress, using the Jupiter Ed.

Tuition: Tuition is paid through Facts Management. Each individual MUST sign up for Facts Management, one account per family if they are siblings.